Products and Services


The products and services we offer are built on over 15 years of experience of working with schools like yours. This means we can bring you the most secure, safe and relevant products for your school and at the best prices.

We offer advice and support on all aspects of your school’s IT provision, e-safety, teaching Computing and using ICT across the curriculum, ensuring you are always up-to-date and because we work directly with you, you remain in control.


Cost-effective, flexible and reliable business class broadband packages to  meet your current and future needs. We work with you to understand the bandwidth you need.
Intelligent address and content filtering defined at school, group or individual level. We work directly with you to manage your filtering and you remain in control of what is and isn’t filtered. 
We provide the latest guidance, training and conferences on all elements of e-safety for staff, governors and parents.
We deliver high quality training and conferences to keep you up-to-date with the latest in school technology and teaching. We offer training on computing, barefoot, Protex and using IT to support teaching and learning.
We can advise you on how best to procure new technology and how to get the best deal for your school.
Through E2BN, you can access your favorite software and services via the cloud and reduce the hassle of administering them. We work with our framework, Everything IT, providers to offer you a complete managed service for all of your software and many peripherals such as printers and photocopiers.