Our expert team organises a variety of conferences and training events to ensure you are up-to-date with the latest trends, advice and regulations.



Annual Online Safety Conference 

The annual Online Safety Conference will take place on Thursday 15th November 2018 at The Deaf Blind Conference Centre, Peterborough. We are still finalising the programme but so far we have booked Simon Finch, Ken Corish and Sway Grantham. We will confirm other speakers in the coming months. The booking system for delegate places will open in September

Online Safety Training 

Online Safety Leaders Day
This course will introduce school leaders to current Online Safety issues. It will explore policies, procedures and tools that will assist schools in creating a safer online environment and help them to meet the requirements of Ofsted Inspectors. The morning will be spent completing CEOP’s Thinkuknow Introduction course.
Training for School Staff
“All teaching and non-teaching staff receive regular and up-to-date training.” Recommendation from Inspecting E-Safety, Ofsted, January 2014.E-Safety is a whole school issue, not the sole responsibility of the ICT Coordinator. E2BN provides INSET sessions for staff that address a range of E-Safety issues. 


Computing Is Fun!
Find out how to put fun into teaching computer science with this one day course. You'll return to school with lots of fantastic ideas to wow your pupils and colleagues